Gaza: A New Beginning for History


A New Beginning for History

By: Mohga Mashhour*

For months, we have been following the killing, destruction, starvation and violation of all human values ​​in the pure land of Gaza. Some people wonder how these crimes are committed in full view of the world without decisive attempts by the great powers to end this humanitarian disaster. On the contrary, we see these countries supporting with weapons and money those who are committing these massacres.

It is hard to understand what has been going on around us for months. It goes beyond all imaginable international crimes. How does this immense tragedy continue in the liberal era, which was considered the time humanity reached the utmost of its humanity, maturity and development in what the American philosopher “Fukuyama” called the “End of History”.

Fukuyama had predicted several decades ago that liberal democracy and its values ​​of freedom, equality, individualism and globalization constitute the peak of human ideological development. This ideology had emerged victoriously from all the civilizations’ battles it had fought. The fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Soviet Union are only two evidences. In this sense, human history has reached its civilizational and cultural goal. “Liberal democracy” provides complete protection of human rights without any racial, sexual or sectarian discrimination. It secures freedom for everyone and achieves justice and equality among people. This is the dream of all humans.

But Western philosophers and politicians failed to convey to us that this liberal democracy “which guarantees the rights of all humans” was nothing but a shiny cover concealing the reality of the Western conflictual vision, clearly expressed within the theory of Social Darwinism. This theory raised the banner of “survival of the fittest”. It portrayed conflict as inevitable, as there is no sanctity of human life; killing a human being would be similar to killing an animal. Emotions are worthless. Weak people or those who need special care have no place in society. In the name of this theory, some considered themselves as superior to others due to evolution and natural selection. Hitler and the Nazi movement were a bitter fruit of these ideas, violating others’ human rights, under the belief of the German Aryan race superiority. In the name of Darwinism, attacks on weak countries, massacres and ethnic cleansing took place.

The world has awakened from the illusion of the moral image of Western civilization, that they considered the shining model of human rights, freedom, development, and humanity. Hundreds of thousands of people in many Western countries, opposing the policies pursued by their governments, demonstrated to demand an end to the war in Gaza and the provision of a minimum level of human conditions for the Palestinians.

Many have been deceived by the noble values ​​of their civilization, that they used to defend to justify many of their politicians’ actions. They justified the invasion of Iraq by the need to liberate the Iraqi people from the dictatorship of their political system. But the ugly hidden face of this civilization was revealed. The Gaza earthquake was so profound that it succeeded in removing the false cover portraying liberal principles as the dream deserved by all the world peoples. Nothing justified these inhuman practices. Western civilization revealed its true nature, as a civilization that the sight of blood revives, a civilization which adopts arrogance, condescendence, and ignore people’s opinion. This civilization was built on colonization, plundering countries wealth, and mass killing of indigenous peoples in America and Australia. This dark history was kept hidden and sometimes justified with great skill. The international institutions established by the Western civilization to implement justice and human rights in the world have proven to be artificial organizations giving a moral character to the West actions. They have no impact on the development of events, neither negatively nor positively.

Gaza came to expose everyone with its steadfastness, pride and resistance. It is presenting a new meaning to power that is completely different from physical power and the power of weapons. We are witnessing in Gaza the power of faith that makes a weak woman and a defenseless child as strong as a giant in the face of this flood of evil. This power makes it impossible to brush up on this conflict, as the enemies dream of. The power of the weak and helpless Palestinians is now defending their right to exist and live like humans.

No one knows how this huge battle will end. No doubt that its first results will be the drastic fall of the Western dream/illusion, and particularly the fall of the American dream/illusion. There is no more room for Western ranting about the importance of democracy and the opinion of the people. After watching the West neglecting thousands of peoples’ appeal from around the world to stop the massacres in Gaza, there is no room for the double standard American discourse about human rights and equality for all. The world has been watching the ongoing killing of tens of thousands of children and women, the forced displacement of more than two million Palestinians in Gaza, and the starvation inflicted on them, with no reaction from the West to help them.

While Gaza revealed the ugly face of the West, it offered a moral alternative; the strength of their faith in God and in their right to live as humans. This civilized alternative amazed the world with its latent power and astonishing ideological balance.

Western liberalism is not the end of human history. “God willing” we will witness on the land of Gaza a new beginning of the world’s history, a more moral, more compassionate and more considerate beginning for all, not restricted to any race or ideological supremacy.

Revised by:

Prof. Amira Mashhour


* Director of the Khotwa Center for Documentation and Studies, and Secretary edit of the contemporary Muslim magazine.

عن أميرة مشهور

شاهد أيضاً

Gaza: Un nouveau début de l’Histoire

Par: Mohga Mashhour

Traduit par: Noha Mokhtar

Revisé par: Prof. Hedaya Mashhour

Voilà des mois que nous assistons à ce qui se passe à Gaza : meurtres, dévastation, etc. Bref, c’est une violation de l’humanité sous toutes ses formes.

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