Translated by: Rehab Jamal Bakri
Instrumental reason is one of the most important term in this field. It is also known as the "subjective", "technical" reason. It is opposite to the "critical", "objective" or "macro" reason. أكمل القراءة »From the Narrowness of Materialism to the Breadth of Humanity and Faith. part. 2
Translated by: Rehab Jamal Bakri
chopenhauer is a German nihilistic pessimistic philosopher, whose philosophy marks the beginning of the comprehensive liquidity stage. The first movement in Schopenhauer's materialistic scientific philosophy adopting immanence is a total self-focus. أكمل القراءة »From the Narrowness of Materialism to the Breadth of Humanity and Faith. part. 1
Translated by: Rehab Jamal Bakri
Our analytical discourse is frequently based on many terminologies which we translate without realizing its intended meaning, ultimate reference and (the holistic and ultimate) cognitive dimension (and human image it reflects, is he just a matter or a matter and an object surpassing matter?). Thus, we discuss the principles of "unity of sciences", "alienation ", and "nature", "reason" and "moral values" without knowing the reference of this terms. أكمل القراءة »