Revised by: Prof. Amira Mashhour
For months, we have been following the killing, destruction, starvation and violation of all human values in the pure land of Gaza. أكمل القراءة »The Secular discourse and Al-Maqāṣid approach
By: Dr. Ahmad Edrees Altaan Al-Haaj
Translated by Rehab Jamal Bakri
Through their discourse, secularists discuss many concepts such as: Al-Maqāṣid, Al-Maṣāliḥ, Al-Maghzā, Al-Gawhar and Ar-Rouḥ, modern conscience, Islamic conscience and modern sentiments, Method and mercy. أكمل القراءة »The Divine Quranic Discourse: Language Vs. Eloquence
Translated by Rehab Jamal Bakri
The Quran is an absolute text. People, in every era and place can understand its guidance through its language and its semantic development, comprehensive understanding ... أكمل القراءة »Marital Relationship: Guardianship and Wifely Devotion
Translated by Rehab Jamal Bakri
Family has a special place and an area of focus in Islam. Islam encourages us to protect and strengthen this institution and preserves the rights of its members. أكمل القراءة »Women’s Rights in Ijtihad
Translated by Rehab Jamal Bakri
Cultural rights are an integral part of the human rights system guaranteed by Islam for all mankind. They include, among others. أكمل القراءة »Islamization of Knowledge
Translated by: Ms. Rehab Jamal Bakri
Revised by: Prof. Neamat Mashhour
Any civilization depends on a religious belief or a philosophy. The distinctive feature of each civilization is its theoretical and value-based frame which is rooted through different sciences and theories. أكمل القراءة »Khaldounian ‘Umran
Mahmoud Shaker and Wael Hallaq: An Analogy
Translated by: Ms. Rehab Jamal Bakri
Revised by: Prof. Neamat Mashhour
Mahmoud Shaker highly rejected orientalism and orientalists. His stance towards them is explicitly stated through his (Arabic) book Risālah fiṭ Ṭareeq ilā Thaqāfatenā (English: A Message on the Way to our Culture) which he dedicated to criticising orientalism and orientalists. أكمل القراءة »Muhammad Shahrour: His Thought and Approach to the Noble Quran
By: Dr. Medhat Maher EL Leithy
Translated by: Ms. Rehab Jamal Bakri
ajdīd (renewal) is definitely among the Islamic fundamentals principles and objectives. It is a Divine Law set for the universe and creatures. أكمل القراءة »Marital Life Social Responsibility Distribution
Translated by: Rehab Jamal Bakri
Marital life is not represented in the Quran as an abstract concept. Depending on a socio-historical perspective, the Quranic discourse builds a comprehensive system for this relationship. أكمل القراءة »