قائمة بمجموعة من الكتب المهداة لمكتبة مركز خُطوة للتوثيق والدراسات، جدير بالذكر أن القائمة تشتمل على عدد من الكتب النادرة القيمة التي يعود تاريخ نشرها إلى ما قبل عام 1900، بالإضافة إلى عدد كبير من الكتب القيمة في موضوعها.
- La Politique/ Aristotle; Translated by Thurot; Revised by Augustin Bastien; Introduction by Laboulaye.
- An Introduction to Islamic Law/ The Department of Islamic Shariah.
- A treatise concerning eternal and immutable morality/ Ralph Cudworth.
- Crime and Insanity/ Charles Mercier.
- Democracy and Civilization: A Contribute to the understanding of the Problems of Contemporary Civilization and Politics/ Geraint Vaughan Jones.
- The Philosophy of William James: Drawn from His Own Works/ Horace M. Kallen.
- La Prostitution: Ses Causes – Ses Remèdes/ Havelock Ellis; Translated by A. Van Gennep.
- Cours Elmentaire de Philosophie Chre´tienne D’apre`s les Meilleurs Auteurs Scolastiques/ ———. 1875.
- Bréviaire de l’histoire du Matérialisme/ Jules Soury.
- Science et Philosophie/ M. (1886).
- Essai Sur La Méthode en Métaphysique/ Paul Dubuc.
- Oulines of the Science of Jurisprudence: An Introduction to the Systematic Study of Law: Translated and edited from the juristic encyclopedias of Puchta, Friedlander, Flack, and Ahrens/ Hastle. 1887.
- L’Homme Criminel: Criminel-né – Fou Moral – épileptique – Criminel Fou – Criminel D’occasion – Criminel par Passion/ César Lombrose.
- Précis de Philosophie: Psychologie- Logique- Métaphysique- Morale- Notions d’histoire de la Philosophie- Sujets de Devoirs et de dissertations/ Group of Authors. 1903.
- Leçons de Morale Théorique et Nations Historiques/ Ancel J., L. Dugas. 1907.
- L’Utopie Socialiste/ Le´on de Seilhac.
- The Origins of Religion and other Essays/ Andrew Lang. 1908.
- Evolution and Ethics: And Other Essays/ Thomas H. Huxley. 1911.
- Introduction A L’Esthétique: Les Méthods de l’ Esthétique. Beauté naturelle et Beauté artistique L’Impressionnisme et le Dogmatisme/ Lalo. 1912.
- A History of Freedom of Thought/ B. Bury. 1913.
- History of the Rise and Influence of the Spirit of Rationalism in Europe/ William Lecky Edward Hartpole. 1913.
- Critique de la Raison pratique/ Emmanuel Kant; Introduction by Françoic Picavet. 1913.
- Psychologie de la Femme/ Henri Marion. 1913.
- Du wakf: Recueil de Jurisprudence des Tribunaux Mixtes, Indigénes et Mehkémehs Chariehs/ Aziz Bey Hanki; Translated by Yacoub Hanki; Introduction by Carton De Wiart.
- The Principles of Morality and the Departments of the Moral Life/ Wilhelm Wundt; Translated by Margaret Flor Washburn. 1914.
- PLATO/ E. Taylor. 1914.
- Socialism/ Robert Flint. 1914.
- Political Thought in England: From Bacon to Halifax/ P. Gooch. 1915.
- Property its Duties and Rights: Historically, Philosophically and Religiously Regarded/ Group of Authers. 1915.
- A History of Economic Doctrines: From The Time of The Physiocrats to The Present Day/ Charles Gide, Charles Rist, Edited by R. Richards.
- Democracy after the War/ J. A. Hobson. 1919.
- La Suggestion: Son Role dans l’Education/ P. Felix Thomas. 1919.
- La Tradition Chevaleresque des Arabes/ Wacyf Boutros Ghali.
- Medieval and Modern Times: An Introduction to the History of Western Europe from the Dissolution of the Roman Empire to the Present Time/ Robinson James Harvey. 1919.
- Critique de la Raison Pure/ Emmanuel Kant; Translated by Tremesaygues, B. Pacaud.
- Initiation Philosophique/ Emile Faguet. 1920.
- La Volonte de Croire/ Loys Moulin.
- L’Energie Spirituelle: Essais et Conferences/ Henri Bergson.
- Nationality and its Problems/ Sedney Herbert. 1920.
- La Terre avant l’Histoire: Les Origines de la vie et de l’homme/ Edmond Perrier.
- Le Travail Intellectuel et la Volonté: Suite à l’Education de la Volonté/ Jules Payot.
- Histoire des doctrines économiques/ Charles Gide Charles Rist. 1922.
- Le ciel et l’enfer: ou La justice divine selon le spiritisme/ Allan Kardec.
- Natural rights: a Criticism of some Political and Ethical Conceptions/ David G. 1924.
- Les Sociétés Coopératives de Consommation/ Charles Gide.
- Histoire de la première croisade jusqu’a l’élection de Godefroi de Bouillon/ Ferdinand Chalandon.
- Philosophical Writing of Henry More/ Flora Isabel Mackinnon. 1925.
- Course de Philosophie: Pour Les Classes de Philosophie A Et B (Psychologie, Logique, Morale, Métaphysique)/ -F. Thomas. 1926.
- Essai sur L’Imagination Créatrice/ TH Ribot.
- General Theory of Value: its meaning and basic principles construed in terms of interest/ Ralph Barton Perry.
- Le Droit et les Forces: Etude Sociologique/ Armand Le Henaff.
- De l’Erreur/ Victor Brochard.
- Fundamental Problems of Life: An Essay on Citizenship as Pursuit of Values/ S.Mackenzie. 1928.
- L’Evolution Creatrice/ Henri Bergson.
- A treatise on Government/ Aristotle; Translated by William EEllis. 1931.
- Sociologues d’Hier et d’Aujourd’hui/ Georges Davy. 1931.
- La Pensee Grecque: Et Les Origines de l’Esprit Scientifique/ Leon 1932.
- The Spirit of World Politics: With Special Studies of The near East/ William Ernest Hocking.
- An Introduction to the Study of Society: An Outline of primary factors and fundamental Institution/ Frank Hamilton Hankins.
- La science du droit positif/ Jean Defroidmont.
- Freedom and Organization: 1814 – 1914/ Bertrand Russell. 1936.
- The Approach to History/ Crossfield Happold; Introduction by G. P. Gooch. 1936.
- The philosophy of Relativity/ P. Ushenko. 1937.
- Jesus devant la Justice/ Georges A.Cocconis.
- Les Théories Sociologiques Contemporaines/ Pitirim A. Sorokin; Translated by René Verrier.
- Esquisse d’une Doctrine de la Moralité/ René Hubert.
- The Intelligent Individual and Society/ W. Bridgman. 1938.
- Capital/ Karl Marx.
- English Thought in The Nineteenth Century/ C. Somervell. 1940.
- En quète d’ une philosophie: essais de philosophie première/ Parodi. 1941.
- Essai sur les Comités d’Organisation Professionnelles/ Jean-Guy Mérigot.
- L’Etre et le Neant: Essai d’Ontologie Phenomenologique/ Jean-Paul Sartre.
- Leçons de Philosophie: Tome Premier: Psychologie/ Ferdinand Alquie.
- La Crise du Capitalisme et le Problème de l’Economie Dirigée/ Basile V.Damalas.
- Sociology/ Richard T.Lapiere. 1946.
- Government and Politicals in the United States/ Harold Zink.
- La Garantie Internationale des droits de L’homme: d’ Aprés la Charte de San-Francisco/ René Brunet.
- Psychologie des Foules/ Gustave Le Bon.
- Karl Marx’s Interpretation of History/ M. Bober. 1948.
- Les Doctrines Economiques/ Joseph Lajugie.
- l’islam/ Dominique Sourdel.
- La Naissance de la Tragédie/ Nietzsche; Translated by Geneviève Bianques.
- The Science of Culture: A Study of Man and Civilization/ Leslie A White. 1949.
- Adam Smith: Textes Choisis et Préface/ G. H. Bousquet.
- Histoire de la Philosophie/ Gonzague Truc.
- The Social and Political Doctrines of Contemporary Europe/ Michael Oakeshott; Introduction by Frederic A.Ogg, Ernest Barker.
- The Science of Humanity/ G. Collier; Introduction by Fred Clarke. 1950.
- Essays in east-west Philosophy: An Attempt at world philosophical synthesis/ Charles A. Moore.
- Infant Speech: A study of the Beginnings of Language/ M.Lewis. 1951.
- Les Systemes Philosophiques/ Andre Cresson.
- Les Partis Politiques/ Maurice Duverger.
- Les Problémes contemporains poseés par le Canal de Suez/ Moustafa El-Hefnaoui.
- Monnaie et structure économique: Essai sur le role des conditions de structure dans la détermination de la valeur de la monnaie/ Ismail-Sabry Abdalla.
- Social Philosophies of an Age of Crisis/ Pitirim A. 1952.
- La Productivité/ Jean Fourastie.
- John Stuart Mill/ Karl Britton.
- La Revolution et l’Egalite Civile: Histoire générale du Droit Privé Francais (de 1789 a` 1804)/ Marcel Garaud; Introduction by Georges Lefebvre.
- Some Main Problems of Philosophy/George Edward Moore. 15953.
- the Web of Government/ M. Maciver. 1953.
- Approaches to the Philosophy of Religion:A Book of Readings/ Daniel J. Bronsten, Harold M. Schulweis.
- L’Eglise de la Renaissance et de la Réforme: Une Révolution Religieuse: La Réforme Protestante/ Daniel Rops.
- The Anatomy of a Crime/ Joseph Dinneen.
- Political Parties: Their Organization and Activity in the Modern State/ Maurice Duverger; Translated by Barbara, Robert North; Introduction by D. W. Brogan.
- Problem of Law in Journalism/ William F. Swindler.
- Histoire des Institutions et des Faits Sociaux/ Jean Maillet.
- The Role of Science in our Modern World/ George Russell Harrison.
- The Age of Enlightenment: The 18th Century Philosophers: Selected With Introduction and Interpretive Commentary/ Isaiah Berlin. 1956.
- The Age of Ideology: The 19th Century Philosophers/ Henry D. 1956.
- Traité de Criminologie/ Ernst Seelig; Translated by I. Petit, M. 1956.
- Le Christianisme et Les Religions du Monde/ Arnold Toynbee.
- The Soldier and the State: The Theory and Politics of Civil-Military Relations/ Samuel P. 1957.
- Social Contract: Essays by Locke, Hume and Rousseau/ David Hume, John Locke, Jean-Jaques Rousseau; Translated by Ernest Barker. 1958.
- Patterns of Government: the Major Political Systems of Europe/ Samuel H. Beer, Herbert J Spiro, Harry Eckstein, Adam B. Ulam.
- Consciousness and Society: The Reorientation of European Social Thought, 1890-1930/ Hughes Henry Stuart.
- Métaphysique et Esthétique/ Arthur Schopenhauer; Introduction by Auguste Dietrich.
- Elements of Government: An Introduction to Political Science/ Thomas R. Adam. 1960.
- Human Society/ Kingsley Davis.
- La Théologie de l’Emmanuel: Les Lignes Maitresses d’une Christologie/ Diepen Herman Michel.
- Realism and the Background of phenomenology/ Roderick M. 1960.
- Sex and Repression in Savage Society/ Bronislaw Malinowski.
- The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy: An essay/ Jacob Burckhardt.
- Capitalisme Socialisme et Dèmocratie/ Joseph Schumpeter; Translated by Gael Fain.
- Traité de Moral Général/ René le Senne.
- What is History?/ Edward Hallett Carr. 1961.
- History and Politics/ Paul Valéry; Translated by Denise Folliot, Jackson Mathews; Introduction by Françoin Valéry, Salvador Madariaga.
- Histoire des Idèes Socials: Individu- Communicatè – Sociètè/ Kaurt Schilling ; Translated by L. 1962.
- Tableau de la philosophie française/ Jean Wahl.
- The Symbols of Government/ Thurman W. 1962.
- Systematic Politics/ George E. Gordon Catlin.
- Sociologie de L’Education/ Pierre Jaccard.
- Technics and Civilization/ Lewis Mumford.
- La Vocation actuelle de la Sociologie: vers une Sociologie Différentielle/ Georges Gurvitch.
- Psychologie du Crime/ Hesnard. 1963.
- The Good City/ Lawrence Haworth. 1963.
- The Condition of Man/ Lewis Mumford.
- The Pure Theory of Politics/ Bertrand De Jouvenel.
- Le Marxisme Sovietique: Essai d’Analyse Critique/ Herbert Marcuse.
- Paterns of Government: The Major Political Systems of Europe/ Samuel H. Beer, Adam B. Ulam, Nicholas Wahl, Herbert J. Spiro.
- Introduction à la Politique/ Maurice Duverger.
- Les Instincts Sexuels: une Anthropologie Scientifique de la Sexualité/ S. Schlegel; Translated by P. Berlot. 1964.
- The Division of Labor in Society/ Emile Durkheim; Translated by George Simpson.
- The Greek philosophers/ Rex Warner. 1964.
- Power Politics: A study of World Society/ Georg Schwarzenberger.
- What Happened in History? / Gordon Childe; Revised by Grahame Clark.
- On Human Nature and the Understanding/ David Hume, Edited by Antony Flew.
- Comparative Politics: A Development approach/ Bingham Powell, Gabriel A. Almond. 1966.
- The Traditions of islam: an introduction to the study of the hadith literature/ Alfred Guillaume.
- A History of Europe: From the Invasions to the XVI Century/ Henri Pirenne.
- In Search of Philosophic Understanding/ Edwin A.Burtt.
- Les Problèmes Monétaires Internationaux/ Robert Mosse. 1967.
- The Nerves of Government: Models of Political Communication and Control : with a new Introduction/ Karl W Deutsch.
- Determinism and Freedom in the age of Modern Science/ Sidney Hook.
- Masterpieces of World Philosophy in Summary Form/ Edited by Ian P. McGreal, Frank N. 1968.
- Study Guide for Copi: Introduction to Logic/ Keith Emerson Ballard.
- Violence and the Mass Media/ Otto N Larsen.
- La Renaissance/ Paul Faure.
- Politics of the Developing Nations/ Der mehden , Fred R. von.
- Political Power and the Urban Crisis/ Alan Shank.
- The Game of Nations: the Amorality of Power Politics/ Miles Copeland.
- La Responsabilité de L’Occident devant le Danger de Guerre/ Raafat Chambour.
- La Pensée Politique Arabe Contemporaine/ Anouar Abdel Malek.
- L’ Homosexualité: Théorie- Clinique- Thérapie/ Charles Socarides.
- Les Premiers Philosophes/ George Thomson; Translated by Michel Sharlot. 1970.
- New Aspects of Politics/ Charles E. Merriam; Revised by Barry D. 1970.
- The Unheavenly City: the Nature and Future of Our Urban Crisis/ Edward C. Banfield.
- Theoretical Anthropology/ David Bidney. 1970.
- The Making of an Arab Nationalist: Ottomanism and arabism in the life and thought of Sati’ AlHusri/ William Cleveland.
- Europe since Napoleon/ David Thomas.
- Freedom, the Individual and the law/ Harry Street.
- A diplomatic History of Europe since the Congress of Vienna/ René Albrecht-Carrié.
- Sociologie Politique/ Roger-Ge´rard Schwartzenberg.
- The First International and After/ Karl Marx; Edited by David Fernbach.
- Social Analysis: a Marxist Critique and Alternative/ L. Allen. 1975.
- Theories of Mass Communication/ Sandra Ball-Rokeach, Malvin L. De Fleur.
- The Philosophy of Mind/ Jonathan Glover.
- Mass Media Policies in Changing Culture/ George Gerbner.
- Television and Human Behavior/ George Comstock, Steven Chaffee, Natan Katzman, Maxwell McCombs.
- Criminology/ Greshman M. Sykes, Edited by Robert K. Merton.
- Objective Knowledge: An Evolutionary Approach/ Karl R. Popper.
- The Arab Press = الصحافة العربية: News Media and Political Process in the Arab World/ William A. Rugh.
- Criminologie ET Science Pénitentiaire/ Jean Larguier.
- L’Arabie Saoudite: Cité de Dieu, Cité des Affaires, Puissance Internationale/ Georges De Bouteiller; Introduction by Henri Laoust.
- Contemporary Philosophy of Religion/ Steven M. Cahn, David Shatz.
- Roman Law: An Historical Introduction/ Hans Julius Wolff.
- Early Christian Thought and the Classical Tradition: Studies in Justin Clement, and Origen/ Henry Chadwick.
- The Central Questions of Philosophy/ J. Ayer. 1984.
- Theology and the Problem of Evil/ Kenneth Surin.
- Christianity: An Introduction/ Danise Lardner Carmody, John Tully Carmody.
- Law Among Nations: An Introduction to Public International Law/ Gerhard Von Glahn. 1992.