Translated by Rehab Jamal Bakri
Cultural rights are an integral part of the human rights system guaranteed by Islam for all mankind. They include, among others. أكمل القراءة »Al-Muḥaddithāt in the Islamic History
Translated by: Rehab Jamal Bakri
Did women work during the early Islamic centuries in the field of religious teaching, following the footsteps of the contemporary scholars and jurists? Did they taught students, males and females, and transmitted to them a beneficial knowledge? أكمل القراءة »Female Jurists, Muftis and Sheikhs in the Islamic History
Translated by: Rehab Jamal Bakri
Revised by: Prof: Neamat Mashhour
Did woman play a role in the public religious work during the earlier and medieval Islamic ages? Did she effectively participate in this arena? The religious work, during these concerned ages, has been divided into many diverse branches, and it was a huge umbrella including many fields. أكمل القراءة »Woman in the Mosque
Translated by: Rehab Jamal Bakri
Revised by: Prof. Neamat Mashhour
Due to the relevant complex muslim historical traditions, the established wrong customs in the hearts of many muslim communities which contradict the Islamic principles and the objectives of their rulings and significant role in achieving the projected Islamic renaissance. أكمل القراءة »المرأة والجندر
قائمة ببليوجرافية مختارة يتم تحديثها بشكل مستمر عن المرأة، تضم الإنتاج الفكري الورقي والإلكتروني؛ من كتب، وأعمال مؤتمرات، ورسائل جامعية، ومقالات دوريات، ومحاضرات مرئية وصوتية، وأبحاث منفردة.
أكمل القراءة »
Évolution du Statut de la Femme dans l’Histoire de l’Islam
Par: Prof. Nadia Mahmoud Moustafa
Revisé Par : Prof. Heba Machhour
Étudier l’évolution du statut de la femme musulmane dans l'histoire islamique ne consiste pas pour nous de faire une étude historique ou historisante. أكمل القراءة »Evolution of the Status of Women in the Islamic History
By: Prof. Nadia Mahmoud Mustafa
The focus of this current study about the evolution of the Muslim women status in the Islamic history is not merely historical or chronological, but it is rather one of the components of an integrated methodological process that combines the deep-rooted orthodox vision altogether with the historical analysis. أكمل القراءة »The Moral Space of Marriage in The Holy Quran
Contemporary Muslim woman is suffering a real crisis with the entire components of the historical culture of the Muslim community. The culture is intentionally blocking her in an inferior position within the social and humanitarian ladder.
أكمل القراءة »
Islamic Feminism as an Intellectual Movement
Translated By: Ms. Soraya Al Haj
Islamic feminism is, "The intellectual and dynamic movement that seeks to liberate, equate and empower women on an Islamic reference foundations based on the Qur'an, the Authentic Sunnah and Juristic Reasoning 'Ijtihad". أكمل القراءة »