
يسعى المركز إلى ترجمة أبحاث علمية مفتاحية في المجالات المعرفية المختلفة، وذلك من اللغة العربية إلى الإنجليزية والفرنسية لإتاحتها لغير الناطقين باللغة العربية، ومن اللغة الإنجليزية والفرنسية إلى اللغة العربية لإتاحة الإنتاج الفكري الغربي المهم للمثقف العربي.

Woman in the Mosque

By: Prof. Jasser Auda

Translated by: Rehab Jamal Bakri

Revised by: Prof. Neamat Mashhour

Due to the relevant complex muslim historical traditions, the established wrong customs in the hearts of many muslim communities which contradict the Islamic principles and the objectives of their rulings and significant role in achieving the projected Islamic renaissance.

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Ethics in the Quran

By: Dr. Muhammad Abdullah Draz

Translated into Arabic& Presented by: Ms. Amira Mokhtar

Translated into English by: Ms. Rehab Jamal Bakri

Dr.Draz starts his Thesis by quoting a statement of a prominent Azhari scholar called Al-Shiehk Shams Ad-Deen Al-Ẓahaby which indicates that the main objective of any new work must be to "create something unexpected, omplete something unfinished, clarify something confused…or rectify something erroneous.

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تأليف: أ. فرانز روزنتال

ترجمة: أ. رحاب جمال بكري

المقدمة الأصلية لكتاب "التاريخ" لابن خلدون تقع في بضع صفحات قليلة، وكمعظم مؤلفات المسلمين التاريخية، تحتوي هذه الصفحات مديحا تاريخيا يعقبه نقاشا للأخطاء التي يقع فيها المؤرخون وأسبابها، موضحة بأمثلة تاريخية.

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Mothers of Quranic Objectives

By: Prof. Ezz A-deen bin Saed Kashneet Al-Jaza'ery

Presented By: Mr. Ahmad Muhammad Ali

Translated by: Rehab Jamal Bakri

The author demonstrates that he chose this specific topic for two reasons:  First, he aims to summarize books and researches written in this regard. Second, he notices that while the science of the objectives of Islamic Shari'ah (Maqasid Al-Shariah).

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Ijtihad et Renouvellement entre le Courant Traditionnel et le Courant Moderne

Par: Mrs. Mohga Mashhour

Traduit par: Amira Mokhtar

Revisé Par : Prof. Heba Machhour

La problématique du renouvellement dans le domaine cognitif religieux est importante. Elle nécessite le recours à l'Ijtihad afin d’évaluer toute production pour  juger ce qui est original et qui pourrait être considéré comme un ajout.

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Ijtihad and Renovation Between Tradition and Modernity: Exegesis as an Example

By: Mrs. Mohga Mashhour

Translated By: Mrs. Hala Aly

Revised By: Dr. Shereen Hamid Fahmy

Renovation in the theological epistemological field is a crucial problem that needs personal careful examination which would help us evaluating any additional intellectual topics presented in this field.

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Évolution du Statut de la Femme dans l’Histoire de l’Islam

Par: Prof. Nadia Mahmoud Moustafa

Traduit par: Amira Mokhtar

 Revisé Par : Prof. Heba Machhour

Étudier l’évolution du statut de la femme musulmane dans l'histoire islamique ne consiste pas pour nous de faire une étude historique ou historisante.

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Evolution of the Status of Women in the Islamic History

By: Prof. Nadia Mahmoud Mustafa

Translated By: Mrs. Hala Aly

The focus of this current study about the evolution of the Muslim women status in the Islamic history is not merely historical or chronological, but it is rather one of the components of an integrated methodological process that combines the deep-rooted orthodox vision altogether with the historical analysis.

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