
يسعى المركز إلى ترجمة أبحاث علمية مفتاحية في المجالات المعرفية المختلفة، وذلك من اللغة العربية إلى الإنجليزية والفرنسية لإتاحتها لغير الناطقين باللغة العربية، ومن اللغة الإنجليزية والفرنسية إلى اللغة العربية لإتاحة الإنتاج الفكري الغربي المهم للمثقف العربي.

Female Physicians and Medical Profession in the Islamic History

BY: Prof. Omaima Abou-Bakr

BY: Prof. Huda As-Saa'dy

Translated by: Rehab Jamal Bakri

Someone may argue commenting on the idea tackled through this paper about the Female Muslim physicians saying: "You, women, are writing about something which never exist trying to bring it into the world." This definitive phrase definitely summarizes the dilemma witnessed in the past and the modern age.

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Female Jurists, Muftis and Sheikhs in the Islamic History

BY: Prof. Omaima Abou-Bakr

BY: Prof. Huda As-Saa'dy

Translated by: Rehab Jamal Bakri

Revised by: Prof: Neamat Mashhour

Did woman play a role in the public religious work during the earlier and medieval Islamic ages? Did she effectively participate in this arena? The religious work, during these concerned ages, has been divided into many diverse branches, and it was a huge umbrella including many fields.

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Reason, Science and Religion: The Unbreakable Bond

By: Mohammed Ibn Alhassan Alhagwy Althaaleby Alfasy

Translated by: Rehab Jamal Bakri

We are confused about fundamentals and branches of the purified Islamic Shariah. Some of them denote that the Muhammadian** Legislation is based on the first source, while others denote that it is based on the second source. I need an answer, may Allah reward you].

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La Raison Consciente VS la Raison Captivée

Par: Mrs. Mohga Mashhour

Par: Dr. Sherif Abdul-Rahman

Traduit par: Amira Mokhtar

Les sociétés islamiques témoignent d’un phénomène qui s’aggrave constamment que l'on peut appeler la «normalisation des civilisations». Il se réfère à cet état d’infiltration continue des idées et des perceptions qui contredisent l'identité islamique.

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La Femme dans la Mosquée

Prof. Jaser Ouda

Traduit par: Amira Mokhtar

Revisé par: Prof. Hedaya Machhour

Les mosquées dans les pays à minorités musulmanes sont plus importantes que dans les pays musulmans. Celles-ci sont en fait au centre de la relation du musulman avec l’islam, le seul endroit où il peut fréquenter une société purement musulmane. c’est aussi le lieu permettant aux musulmans d’adorer leur Seigneur, d’apprendre l’éducation islamique et de résoudre leurs problèmes.

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The Awakened Mind vs the Hacked Mind

By: Mrs. Mohga Mashhour

By: Dr. Sherif Abdul-Rahman

Translated by: Rehab Jamal Bakri

Islamic societies are witnessing an expansion of a phenomenon that can be called "Civilizational Normalization". This refers to a nonstop sneaking of ideas and perspectives that contradict the Islamic identity, targeting the hearts and minds of Muslim youths.

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Early Muslim Philosophers and Modern European Philosophers, Is there any Relation

By: Mr. Zaki Al-Milad

Translated by: Rehab Jamal Bakri

A similarity and homogeneity among ideas and methodologies adopted by some early Muslim philosophers and some modern European philosophers has been noticed by some writers, interested in the field of intellectual and philosophical studies in the contemporary Arab arena.

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Orientalisme et Fiqh: Connaissance, Réflexion et Interprétation

Par: Dr. Chafiah Seddiq

Traduit par: Dr. Ayman Anwar Sinan

L’indépendance des sciences par rapport à la philosophie n’était ni exclusive ni irrévocable. Selon les historiens des sciences, cette indépendance était juste pour les nécessités méthodologiques procédurales.

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Orientalism and Fiqh: Knowledge, Reflection and Interpretation

By: Dr. Chafiah Sedeeq

Translated by: Rehab Jamal Bakri

Revised by: Prof: Neamat Mashhour

Independence of sciences from philosophy is not irrevocable and exclusive. According to science historians, this independence was just for the procedural methodological necessities.

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Woman in the Mosque

By: Prof. Jasser Auda

Translated by: Rehab Jamal Bakri

Revised by: Prof. Neamat Mashhour

Due to the relevant complex muslim historical traditions, the established wrong customs in the hearts of many muslim communities which contradict the Islamic principles and the objectives of their rulings and significant role in achieving the projected Islamic renaissance.

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